Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Eunice Waymon, aka Nina Simone

My then-girlfriend, a New Jersey-ite living across the river from New York City, would tell me of her discoveries and musical experiences when she returned home between our Midwest college breaks.  She spent as much time as she could in Greenwich Village, where (in addition to Bob Dylan) she told me of discovering Nina Simone.

I precisely remember my first week after moving to L.A., when I would set my clock radio to play long into the night.  While tuned to a just-found jazz station, I was abruptly awakened mid-sleep by an incredible and unmistakable voice, although the song itself was new to me: "Sinnerman".  I was unable to return to sleep until I had tracked down that music.  Nina's music would definitely accompany me to my own hypothetical desert island; she probably certainly is my single most favorite jazz/blues singer.

Since those early years, I have collected and digested almost Everything Nina I could.  Now, Netflix is streaming the stunning documentary, What Happened, Miss Simone? and last night, watching it, I saw and heard things I never experienced before. Here's the trailer:

Can't stop now. Here's Sinnerman:
And the amazing version performed at the 1976 Montreaux Jazz Festival

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